
Drawings and Paintings

The page on Figure Drawings represents about twenty years of attending open studio sessions on a regular basis.

Painting does not come as naturally as drawing, so there have been few completed works. I have included some studies for possible paintings done in pastel.


The photo galleries are divided by time periods, beginning with my first figure photography in the mid-1980s, working in the gallery of an art cooperative where I had a studio. Located in an old Victorian schoolhouse, the gallery had high ceilings and windows providing ideal natural light.

As time went on, I acquired studio lighting and equipment; and eventually moved from film to digital cameras. Originally having my own darkroom for black and white, I began using Photoshop.

The internet has expanded the availability of models. Where once I met amateurs at drawing sessions, I can now contact more experienced, professional photo models. This may be a problem, however, since some have intentions and experience oriented towards commercial “glamour” photography rather than art.

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